
Get in touch! To learn more about TSDTheatres please contact us. 

Gino Minchella is TSD's Theatre Manager

Greg Hodorek is TSD's Assistant Theatre Manager


The Troy School District has two traditional high schools, one non-traditional high school, four middle schools, 12 elementary schools, a preschool, services building, administrative center, and warehouse. 

More information about renting Troy School District facilities:
Facility Rentals - Troy School District

TSD Auditorium Policies and Procedures

Troy Athens High School

Troy High School


The truth is that much technical theatre is hard, sweaty, and repetitive work.  It takes a hard working individual of talent, creativity and dedication to be a part of the TSD team. Many people see the wonderful talents of the actors and their standing ovation performances (deservedly so), but the heart and pulse of the theatre is the Tech Crew. The demands, both emotionally and physically, are countless and often times unannounced. But when a show is struck and we are pulling tape and sweeping up the last of the building screws, you will gain a dedication and appreciation of the theatre.  Most of all, the friends and the experiences you make will last a lifetime. 

Contact us to learn more!